Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kelly and Jaide Collection


My thoughts before the investigation regarding materials and authorship were that this project would be very fun and original. With anyone working on whatever pieces they found interesting others made and adding their own creative, abstract twist on them, I thought there would be many beautiful, colorful pieces and I was right. There would be many different perspectives flowing and everyone would work off of each others ideas to compose a final product. During the investigation I discovered that everyone has their own individual and unique style and when they are all collaborated together, they can make an amazing piece of artwork. I also discovered that while I work on my artwork I need to be less concerned about staying in the lines and be more loose while I work. My thoughts now are that I need to be more creative in my artwork and use more abstract objects. Also I need to use more vibrant colors and different utensils in my pieces. When answering our essential question of what is art and who decides?, recording, presenting and archiving play an important role because we need to share, take notes, and listen to others criticism to see what things could be changed to the artwork to make it better. In future assignments I will listen to others opinions on how to make my artwork better because they may have a new and different perspective than mine which could help make my artwork more unique and original.

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